Top "Friendly-id" questions

FriendlyId is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Ruby on Rails.

Rails 4 Friendly Id Slug Not Updating

I'm using the following: gem 'friendly_id', github: 'FriendlyId/friendly_id', branch: 'master' I am creating an Article section on …

ruby-on-rails friendly-id
Friendly ID - undefined method `slug=' for

I am using the gems Workflow, Paper Trail and Friend ID. To track the state changes using Paper Trail, I …

ruby-on-rails friendly-id paper-trail-gem
Generating a unique URL with tokens in Rails 4 for an external form response

I have a 'Feedback' model whereby a user should be able to request feedback on his/her job performance. I …

ruby-on-rails-4 url-routing token friendly-id