FreeMarker is a Java based template engine, a generic tool to generate text output (anything from HTML to autogenerated source code) based on templates.
I can't find anything related to this on any question, and it is something really basic, but I can't figure …
freemarkerI'm not at all sure that this is even a solvable problem, but supposing that I have a freemarker template, …
java freemarkerI have use the ${.now} to get the current time stamp inside the freemarker templates, but I want to know …
date freemarkerI am having some strange problem and its really frustating me. I have a list of Car bean in request …
java freemarkerHow would you structure Freemarker (or an alternative) as a templating code generator into a Maven project? I'm pretty new …
java maven-2 freemarker templatingMy website has a consistant header and footer that I want on all pages. What is the best way to …
java spring spring-mvc freemarkerIn Java: Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> items = new HashMap&…