Top "Freemarker" questions

FreeMarker is a Java based template engine, a generic tool to generate text output (anything from HTML to autogenerated source code) based on templates.

Simulate null parameters in Freemarker macros

I'm building a site using Freemarker and have started heavily using macros. I know in Freemarker 2.3 that passing a null …

FreeMarker ?replace multiple values

Is it possible to replace multiple values in a FreeMarker template? For example, if I want to replace "a" and "…

replace freemarker
Comments in freemarker template and smooks

I am working on a freemarker template and here is a sample. <Grantor> <UniqueID>${(currentGrantorIndex)!?string}&…

java freemarker smooks
Load FreeMarker templates from database

I would like to store my FreeMarker templates in a database table that looks something like: template_name | template_content …

java templates freemarker
get queryString of a URL on FreeMarker

learning FTL here. I'm trying to get add a query string on my FTL page, like http://localhost/search, i'd …

java freemarker
How to get the request context in a freemaker template in spring

How to get the request context path in freemarker template when using with spring? My view resolver is like this &…

spring spring-mvc freemarker
Freemarker model convert timestamp in milliseconds to date

I have a csv-file which i want to transform with fmpp (freemarker). The first column is a long value (milliseconds …

java freemarker fmpp
JSP vs FreeMarker

Does JSP provide more flexibility then FreeMarker or is it other way around? My back-end involves Servlets. Which one is …

java jsp servlets freemarker
Getting template text from FreeMarker in Spring app

In my Spring app, I'd like to use FreeMarker to generate the text of emails that will be sent by …

java spring templates freemarker
Import one FTL file inside another FTL file

I have created one DIV inside a FTL file and that DIV contain form now say i have another FTL …

java spring-mvc freemarker