Top "Freeglut" questions

freeglut is an open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library.

installing Freeglut on Linux

I am trying to install freeglut on my computer running Linux Mint. I follow the steps on this website: http://…

linux opengl installation freeglut linux-mint
Why is Visual Studio Trying to Link 'freeglutd.lib'?

I'm trying to compile an OpenGL program using Visual Studio 2013, but I get the following error: Error 1 error LNK1104: cannot …

visual-studio freeglut
freeglut error LNK1104

In my project I want to use a freeglut library from the unofficial opengl sdk. I used Premake to generate …

linker freeglut
CMake is dropping the item c++

I work on windows with QtCreator .I try to use freeglut/opengl2 all libs have been build and install properly …

c++ cmake freeglut
Ubuntu 13.10 C++ OpenGL GLUT - linking issues - undefined reference to `glClearColor'

I am running Ubuntu 13.10 and trying to compile that portion of sample OpenGL code: #include "GL/freeglut.h" #include "GL/…

c++ eclipse opengl ubuntu freeglut
error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol in Visual Studio 12 using

I am trying to set up openGL with glew and freeglut, using this guide. I have followed the guide until …

visual-studio opengl glew freeglut
Error: functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded

I'm using mac os 10.9, I have a C++ program which uses freeglut library. When I try to make the project. …

macos freeglut
What's the point of glutidlefunc() in freeglut

I get how glutdisplayfunc() makes the display loop and Iv read in some places that you should put the game …

c++ opengl glew freeglut
Removing console window for Glut/FreeGlut/GLFW?

Under Visual C++, I have played around with Glut/FreeGlut/GLFW. It seems that everyone of these projects adds a …

c++ configuration glut freeglut glfw
Win8/VS2012: Cannot open include file 'GL/glew.h': No such file or directory

I'm trying to migrate from Windows 7 to 8, but glew and freeglut are giving me problems. The instructions I used were …

opengl visual-studio-2012 freeglut glew