Top "Frameworks" questions

A framework is an existing library or set of libraries that provides overarching application structure so that the developer can focus primarily on their application's implementation details instead.

How to build a framework or library for other developers, the secure way?

We have an idea for an framework or library that will be very helpful for any iOS developer. So we're …

iphone ipad frameworks ios
Slim JSON Outputs

I am using the Slim framework with PHP to create a RESTful API for my app. However, I assumed that …

php json frameworks slim
Entity Framework and Multi threading

We are having some trouble designing our multi-threaded Entity Framework driven application and would like some guidance. We are creating …

.net multithreading frameworks entity
What's a good lightweight Python MVC framework?

I know there are a ton of Python frameworks out there. Can you guys point me in the right direction? …

python model-view-controller frameworks
Library? Static? Dynamic? Or Framework? Project inside another project

I have an existing iOS app and want to add a large chunk of code that I've been developing as …

ios xcode frameworks static-libraries
How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the testing framework set up and usable in Visual Studio 2008 for C++ …

c++ unit-testing testing visual-studio-2008 frameworks
Xcode 6 / Beta 4: using bridging headers with framework targets is unsupported

I just upgraded to Xcode 6 Beta 4 and have a framework that I created for Live Views in Beta 2. Due to …

xcode frameworks beta
Initializer is inaccessable due to 'internal' protection level

I have some protocols LoginStrategy public protocol LoginStrategy { func login(_ viewController: UIViewController) func getUserInfo(withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (_ userInfo: [String: Any]?) …

ios swift frameworks access-modifiers initializer
Why do we use use_frameworks! in CocoaPods?

I have used use_frameworks! in CocoaPods Podfile many times. I just wonder why do we use it? I couldn't …

ios frameworks cocoapods static-libraries
Slim Framework always return 404 Error

These days i'm using Slim Framework as my simplest tool to develop the php web api. Using these two articles: …

php api frameworks slim