Top "Forward-declaration" questions

Forward declarations allow statically-typed programs to indicate the type and name of a symbol without actually defining it.

Header files inclusion / Forward declaration

In my C++ project when do I have to use inclusion (#include "myclass.h") of header files? And when do …

c++ header-files forward-declaration
C - forward declaration of enums?

Forward declaration of enums in C does not work for me. I searched the internet and stackoverflow but all of …

c enums enumeration forward-declaration
Forward reference vs. forward declaration

Im a bit confused. What is the difference between forward declaration and forward reference? Forward declaration is, in my head, …

forward-declaration forward-reference
struct forward declaration fails compile

I have the following code, but the compiler says sender_wrapper is undefined, even though I forward declared it. Can …

c++ struct forward-declaration
Xcode ios Unknown type name?

I have a question about the following error "Unknown type name VistaDereIzq" I have a view called VistaDereIzq. And I …

ios xcode class forward-declaration circular-dependency
What is the <iosfwd> header?

What's the <iosfwd> header used for? Why is it necessary? Any example?

c++ iostream forward-declaration iosfwd
Forward define a function in Lua?

How do I call a function that needs to be called from above its creation? I read something about forward …

lua forward-declaration coronasdk
Forward declarations and shared_ptr

I'm trying to refactor my code so that I use forward declarations instead of including lots of headers. I'm new …

c++ shared-ptr forward-declaration c++98
What is forward declaration in c++?

This answer says: … Finally, typedef struct { ... } Foo; declares an anonymous structure and creates a typedef for it. Thus, with this …

c++ forward-declaration
can two classes see each other using C++?

So I have a class A, where I want to call some class B functions. So I include "b.h". …

c++ class include forward-declaration