Top "Fortran95" questions

Fortran 95 is a minor revision, mostly to resolve some outstanding issues from the Fortran 90 standard.

The mysterious nature of Fortran 90 modules

Fortran 90 modules are evanescent creatures. I was using a (singular) module for a while with some success (compiling using Intel …

visual-studio-2010 fortran fortran90 fortran95 intel-fortran
Fortran DO loop, warning to use integer only

I installed gfortran on my Ubuntu 15.04 system. While compiling Fortran code, the DO loop asks to take integer parameters only …

fortran fortran90 gfortran fortran95
Difference between Fortran 90 and Fortran 95

Can I compile Fortran 90 files with a Fortran 95 compiler? There seems to be a lot for Fortran 95 but not Fortran 90.

fortran fortran90 fortran95
Can Fortran 95 compiler compile Fortran 77 code?

Currently I'm compiling fortran95 source codes on mac using gfortran 6.1. I was wondering if I can run FORTRAN 77 source codes …

fortran gfortran fortran77 fortran95
Proper use of the PURE keyword Fortran

I'm currently delving into Fortran and I've come across the pure keyword specifying functions/subroutines that have no side effects. …

fortran keyword fortran90 fortran95
Writing multiple output files in Fortran

Dear All, I am writing a code that writes the out put in multiple files named as 1.dat, 2.dat, ..... Here …

fortran fortran95
How are the MAX and MIN functions implemented in Fortran without support for variadic functions?

Unless I'm mistaken, there is no way in Fortran to write a function or subroutine with an arbitrary number of …

fortran variadic-functions fortran77 variadic fortran95
Solving linear equations in Fortran 95

I'm newbie in programming and at the moment I'm working on a project that I need to use Fortran 95. Is …

fortran linear-algebra fortran95