Top "Formview" questions

FormView is a data-bound control that is nothing but a templated version of DetailsView control.

Using FindControl: Accessing Controls in a Formview

I'm developing a simple Wedding List application, where guests can reserve the present they want to buy for the bride … formview findcontrol
Get DateTime Value from TextBox in FormView

I need to find a value in a TextBox, contained within a FormView which holds a short date. DateTime LastPayDate = (…

c# datetime formview findcontrol
Django FormView does not have form context

When defining a FormView derived class: class PrefsView(FormView): template_name = "prefs.html" form_class = MyForm # What's wrong with this? …

django view django-templates formview django-context
How does FormView EditTemplate update values in ObjectDataSource UpdateParameters under the hood?

I have a FormView bound to an ObjectDataSource. * ObjectDataSource definition (omitted portion of it for simplicity)* <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="…

c# objectdatasource formview
FormView.FindControl(): object reference error

I have a formview that has several textboxes inside of tr/td's. I'm trying to get the textboxes by using …

c# .net formview findcontrol
How to prevent asp:FormView from rendering as a table?

I have an asp:FormView with an ItemTemplate. I'd like to design the content within the FormView with some div … formview
can't find control in FormView?

I need find this <a> tag resided in a FormView control, I need to remove this a tag …

c# formview findcontrol
Not possible to load DropDownList on FormView from code behind?

I have a UserControl, containing a FormView, containing a DropDownList. The FormView is bound to a data control. Like so: &… .net drop-down-menu formview
Procedure or function 'xyz' has too many arguments specified

I know this type of question has been asked at least a dozen times on SO, but I've gone through … stored-procedures formview
Automatically bind ASP.NET FormView to newly inserted record

Is it possible to get a FormView to automatically default to ReadOnly mode on the record that it has just … data-binding formview