Top "Formtastic" questions

Formtastic is a Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.

how to change class of a label for checkboxes in simple_form

using simple_form we can change class of a label using: label_html => {:class => "myclass"} but how do …

ruby-on-rails formtastic simple-form
ActiveAdmin with has_many problem; undefined method 'new_record?'

I'm trying to customise a ActiveAdmin form for a Recipe model that has a has_many relationship with Step. class …

ruby-on-rails admin has-many formtastic activeadmin
formtastic - how to prepopulate a string input with a value

I'm building an app, where users can give comments by just leaving their email to the comment. I want them …

ruby-on-rails formtastic
rails ActiveAdmin nested form has_one accepts_attributes_for formtastic issue

I am using ActiveAdmin and Rails 3.1 -- having problem understanding whether the following is a bug, or if there is …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 formtastic nested-attributes activeadmin
How to display only the value in edit page in Active Admin

I have a edit form in Active Admin. I need some field as read only. My current edit page is …

ruby-on-rails-3 activeadmin formtastic
Get a value of object field inside fields_for loop

In the following scenario, I need to check the value of the object property in the fields_for loop. <%= …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-plugins ruby-on-rails-3 formtastic
Using Formtastic's semantic_fields_for with a has_many association

I am trying to create a nested form using formtastic. I've included my code below but am running into some …

ruby-on-rails nested-forms formtastic
Nested form in activeadmin not saving updates

I have a nested form in ActiveAdmin for these models (a :class_section has_many :class_dates): class ClassDate < …

ruby-on-rails forms ruby-on-rails-4 activeadmin formtastic
Customizing field_with_errors

Is there a way to tell Rails to not create div.field_with_errors around both label and actually field, …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 customization formtastic twitter-bootstrap
Image file input with Formtastic and ActiveAdmin

I started to use formstatic but I need to make a file field with image preview. I mean, when i …

ruby-on-rails ruby forms formtastic activeadmin