Top "Format" questions

It may refer to text formatting, content format, file format, document file format, etc.

How to get specific culture currency pattern

How do i get the currency pattern for a specific culture? For Example: Instead of using: string.Format("{0:c}", 345.10) I …

c# string format currency
Format output in a table, C++

How can I output data to the console in a table in C++? There's a question for this in C#, …

c++ console format tabular
git: timezone and timestamp format

From git I can get the timestamp: "2011-10-04 12:58:36 -0600" but is there any way to show it as: "2011-10…

git timezone format timestamp timezone-offset
Parsing date with timezone from an email?

I am trying to retrieve date from an email. At first it's easy: message = email.parser.Parser().parse(file) date = …

python datetime timezone format rfc5322
How do I remove the microseconds from a timedelta object?

I do a calculation of average time, and I would like to display the resulted average without microseconds. avg = sum(…

python datetime format timedelta
PHPWord how to add text break / new line while in a text run

How can I add a text break or go to the next line/row while in a text run? I …

php format line phpword
Date format in RangeValidator

I am using RangeValidator to validate date enter in textbox and its working fine with default date format but now … datetime format requiredfieldvalidator
Format EditText view for phone numbers

I have an EditText view and I want it to format the user's input into the phone number format. For …

android android-edittext format string-formatting phone-number
How to format date string via multiple formats in python

I have three date formats: YYYY-MM-DD, DD.MM.YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY. Is it possible to validate and parse strings …

python date datetime format strptime
Jackson @JsonFormat set date with one day less

I have been used Spring Date Rest with Spring Boot in my project. This project has a object and I …

json format jackson spring-boot spring-data-rest