Top "Focus" questions

Focus indicates the component of the graphical user interface which is currently selected to receive input.

How do I get the Control that is under the cursor in Delphi?

I need the opposite information that the question "How to get cursor position on a control?" asks. Given the current …

delphi focus cursor setfocus
.focus() "set focus on a target input" will not work in Firefox

I have an input field. Under certain conditions I want to keep the user focused on the input field when …

javascript jquery focus setfocus
How to set a listview FocusedItem programatically

How can I set the FocusedItem property programatically? I've tried this so far with no success: If lvw.FocusedItem Is … listview focus listviewitem setfocus
Make a form not focusable in C#

I'm wanting to write a virtual keyboard, like windows onscreen keyboard for touchscreen pcs. But I'm having problem with my …

c# forms keyboard focus sendkeys
Using closest to focus closest textbox

I'm trying to create the most efficient function for focusing a textbox upon clicking the label next to it. I …

jquery html forms focus closest
jQuery: How can I tell when a tab/window gains focus

Is there an event that I can register for that fires each time the user clicks on a tab, meaning …

jquery focus onfocus
After open Fancybox-2, send the focus in fancybox window

For accessibility, I try to send the focus in the Fancybox window once it is opened. I add a tabindex …

jquery focus fancybox-2 wai-aria accessibility
Border of div bound to routerlink directive?

I have encountered an issue where divs using routerLink get bordered with blue when clicked. I think I am missing …

angular routing focus ngfor routerlink
Set an initial focal distance on iOS

I'm working on an iOS-app where one of the features is scanning QR-codes. For this I'm using the excellent library, …

ios camera focus qr-code
How can I prevent tabbing to a UserControl?

I have a custom Popup that overlays part of my screen. When it is open, I want to disable tabbing …

wpf xaml focus keyboard-navigation