Top "Flush" questions

Flush means clearing all the buffers for a stream.

Flushing changes made to VBProject.VBComponents in Excel using VBA

I've been experiencing some strange quirks in Excel while programatically removing modules then reimporting them from files. Basically, I have …

excel vba memory version-control flush
Hibernate will not persist data after save

Can someone explain why the "lastAccessed" date does not get saved to the database in this example and how I …

spring hibernate save flush persist
Java ObjectOutputStream on Socket not flush()ing

I'm working on a network app written in Java, using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream on top of Sockets to exchange messages. …

java sockets flush objectoutputstream
How do I flush a 'RandomAccessFile' (java)?

I'm using RandomAccessFile in java: file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rw"); ... file.writeBytes(...); How can I ensure that this data is …

java flush