Top "Flush" questions

Flush means clearing all the buffers for a stream.

Clearing the serial port's buffer

This is what my function looks like to open the serial port (using Ubuntu 12.04): int open_port(void) { int fd; /* …

c linux serial-port flush
php flush not working

<?php for($i=0;$i<20;$i++) { echo 'printing...<br />'; ob_flush(); flush(); usleep(300000); } ?> Url that …

php flush
No console output on cout

Good morning, I have a problem with Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers. I'm writting a smal tool for converting …

c++ eclipse console flush
How to do "mysqladmin flush-hosts" on server?

I have a hosting account, on database section i have "MySQL® Databases", "MySQL® Database Wizard","phpMyAdmin" and "Remote MySQL" Options …

mysql database phpmyadmin database-connection flush
flush in

I have a question in my mind that, while writing into the file, before closing is done, should we include …

java stream flush filewriter
stdout and need to flush it C++

I have some C++ code that uses cout statements for debug purposes and for some reason I can't get all …

c++ stdout flush
How to prevent BrokenPipeError when doing a flush in Python?

Question: Is there a way to use flush=True for the print() function without getting the BrokenPipeError? I have a …

python unix python-3.x flush broken-pipe
How to flush the CPU cache in Linux from a C program?

I am writing a C program in which I need to flush my memory. I would like know if there …

c linux unix caching flush
c++ force std::cout flush (print to screen)

I have code such as the following: std::cout << "Beginning computations..."; // output 1 computations(); std::cout << " done!\…

c++ cout flush
How can I flush the output of disp in Matlab or Octave?

I have a program in Octave that has a loop - running a function with various parameters, not something that …

matlab octave flush disp