Top "Flume" questions


How can I get logs collected on console using Flume NG?

I'm testing Flume NG (1.2.0) for collecting logs. It's a simple test that Flume collects a log file flume_test.log …

JMeter - Could not find the TestPlan class

I have a simple flume setup with a HTTP souce and a sink that writes the POST request payload to …

linux jmeter flume
real time log processing using apache spark streaming

I want to create a system where I can read logs in real time, and use apache spark to process …

apache-spark apache-kafka flume spark-streaming
Use flume to stream data to S3

I am trying flume for something very simple, where I would like to push content from my log files to …

apache logging amazon-s3 streaming flume
failing to load log4j2 while running fatjar

i am working on a project where i utilize log4j2 logging. while developing in intellij, all works fine and …

java logging log4j2 flume flume-ng
flume - flume.root.logger=DEBUG,console only logs INFO level log statements

I installed Flume 1.4.0-cdh4.7.0 in CentOS (cloudera VM) I ran the following command to start the flume flume-ng agent -n …

flume flume-ng
Using Kafka to import data to Hadoop

Firstly I was thinking what to use to get events into Hadoop, where they will be stored and periodically analysis …

hadoop flume apache-kafka