flume - flume.root.logger=DEBUG,console only logs INFO level log statements

scott picture scott · Nov 30, 2014 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I installed Flume 1.4.0-cdh4.7.0 in CentOS (cloudera VM)

I ran the following command to start the flume

flume-ng agent -n agent-name -c conf -f conf/flume.conf -Dflume.root.looger=DEBUG,console

but it is only writing the default (INFO) level to the console. Cannot figure out why?


DataHacker picture DataHacker · Jan 15, 2015

There is a typo in your command line:

flume-ng agent -n agent-name -c conf -f conf/flume.conf -Dflume.root.looger=DEBUG,console

It says root.looger in stead of root.logger and so your command line option is overridden by something in the log4j.propeties file