Top "Flex3" questions

Adobe Flex is a software development kit (SDK) released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform.

TextField() Set caret position

How to set the caret position, there is only this.caretIndex (READ)

actionscript-3 apache-flex flex3
Flex error- White exclamation point in gray circle: What does it mean?

We have a flex app that will typically run for long periods of time (could be days or weeks). When …

apache-flex actionscript-3 flex3 flex4
Flex3: Custom Item Renderer does not listen to events dispatched by parent

I have a List with a custom ItemRenderer. The ItemRenderer contains a Checkbox and a Label. The component with the …

actionscript-3 events apache-flex flex3 itemrenderer
Flex HBox alignment

I experimenting with Flex Styling, and I came across an alignment issue. I have two image components inside an HBox, …

css apache-flex flex3 styling
Flex dataGrid add button in datagridcolumn using ItemRenderer?

I have this code. I want to add Buttons in the second column of the data grird. <mx:DataGrid …

apache-flex actionscript flex3 flex4
Flex - Difference between creationComplete and ApplicationComplete event?

Folks, I didn't get the difference between those two event. What is the difference between them ? Explanation with e.g …

apache-flex flex3 adobe event-handling
How can I get an instance's "memory location" in ActionScript?

FlexBuilder's debugger will show you the "memory location" (or, I can only assume, something roughly analogous) of any in-scope instance: …

apache-flex actionscript-3 actionscript flex3
How do you programmatically move the caret of a Flex TextArea to the end?

I'm trying to move the caret in a Flex TextArea to the end after appending some text from my code. …

apache-flex flex3 textarea textfield caret
How do you create a shallow copy of an Array in ActionScript 3

var a:Array = ["a","b","c"]; var b:Array; /* insert code here to copy 'a' and assign it to 'b'*/

actionscript-3 apache-flex flex3
How can i convert string datatype to date datatype in flex

I have to convert one string type field to date datatype in flex. What can I do solve this problem?

apache-flex flex3