Top "Flex3" questions

Adobe Flex is a software development kit (SDK) released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform.

How to export a datagrid to Excel file in Flex?

How do I export data in my datagrid to an Excel file in Flex? Can anyone provide some examples for …

apache-flex actionscript-3 flex3 export-to-excel
flex 3 iterate through object values

i have an object which represents a database table. I want to iterate through this object and print printing each …

flex3 iteration loops
How to decode Json using native JSON or actionjson in Flex 3

I have the below Json (wf.json) { "workflow":{ "template":"Analysis1", "start":{ "instance":"HDA_run1", "user":"symtest", "date":"3-Mar-2012", "timestamp":"1330948220475" }, "host":{ "…

json actionscript-3 apache-flex actionscript flex3
Flash versus Flex

I've tried looking everywhere for a concise list of the advantages and disadvantages of using Flex vs. Flash. Coming from …

apache-flex flash flex3 comparison
How can I make datagrid height is equal to data content in Adobe Flex

In adobe Flex datagrid height is equally to fix height . I want to make datagrid height is depend data .

apache-flex datagrid flex3
Get URL of current page from Flex 3?

How do I determine the URL of the current page from within Flex?

apache-flex actionscript-3 flex3
Flex Date() constructor is mis-converting Unix time stamps argh

This is seriously killing me. I'm trying to convert a Unix timestamp (1236268800, which equates to Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:00:00 GMT) to a …

apache-flex actionscript-3 actionscript flex3 timestamp
Flex 3: How do I get the DataGridColumn's dataField in its ItemRenderer?

I'm trying to reach the dataField of a DataGridColumn in the itemRenderer. Below is the dataGrid: <mx:Script> &…

apache-flex datagrid flex3 itemrenderer datafield
Trace on Chrome/Browser console

Does anybody know how to trace messages in the google chrome console using Flex3. In the logs section for example.

actionscript-3 apache-flex flex3