Top "Flags" questions

Flags are atomic data structures used to identify state in a program.

Using CSS Variables in Chrome 29+

My Chrome browser just switched from version 28 to version 29. Once it switched over, my css3 code stopped working in the …

css google-chrome flags css-variables
lock/unlock orientation

To lock my orientation to portrait, I use: activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); I'm unsure what flag tells the …

android orientation flags
Is it possible to access the overflow flag register in a CPU with C++?

After performing a mathematical operation, for say, multiplying two integers, is it possible to access the overflow flag register in …

c++ assembly flags integer-overflow
How do I determine if an Enum value has one or more of the values it's being compared with?

I've got an Enum marked with the [Flags] attribute as follows: [Flags] public enum Tag : int { None = 0, PrimaryNav = 1, HideChildPages = 2, HomePage = 4, …

c# enums flags