Top "Firewall" questions


Why are localhost connections blocked by the firewall?

When I listen on a port on localhost, Windows will popup a dialogue in which the user must add my …

.net sockets tcp firewall socketexception
Vagrant won't forward ONLY port 80

I have port forwarding set up for vagrant Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centOS" :forwarded_…

macos centos firewall vagrant portforwarding
MSDTC and firewall

We are using MSDTC for SQL transactions. I am having issue with setting up firewall for MSDTC to work. The …

firewall msdtc
MSDTC - how many ports are needed

I have a considerably large application that uses MSDTC. How many ports should I open? Is there any way to …

firewall msdtc ports
How do I get the Mac OS X Firewall to permanently allow my iOS app?

I'm writing an iOS app that acts as, among other things, a telnet server. Naturally, it begins listening for connections …

ios macos firewall
My firewall is blocking network connections from the docker container to outside

For me this is a very standard setup, I had a ubuntu machine running docker and ufw as my firewall. …

firewall docker
Recaptcha - Availability in China

We are developing a site that will require the usage of a captcha service. Has anyone successfully use Google Recaptcha …

firewall recaptcha
Adding an application firewall rule to both private and public networks via win7 FirewallAPI

A little background: Basicaly I'd like to add a program firewall access rule to both private and public networks. I …

c# firewall windows-firewall windows-firewall-api firewall-access
WCF service blocked by Windows Firewall

I've got a WCF service using a HttpBinding. The service is running in a self hosting process (A Windows Service) …

wcf http firewall
Can we use google analytics for Internal website?

I have an Intranet application which is accessible from within company firewall. To track some specific pages, I want to …

google-analytics content-management-system firewall intranet firewall-access