Top "Firefox-addon" questions

Commonly, you should use this tag IN ADDITION TO the tag for the specific type of add-on which you are asking about.

Using Firefox, how can I monitor all events that are fired?

I'm trying to debug a web page that makes heavy use of events, and so I need to monitor all …

javascript jquery firefox-addon jquery-events javascript-debugger
How can I disable signature checking for Firefox add-ons?

Since version 42, Firefox, by default, refuses to install unsigned add-ons. How do I disable this verification?

javascript firefox firefox-addon signing add-on
Open a new tab/window and write something to it?

I'm using Execute JS to write and test Javascript code within Firefox. I want to open a new tab/window …

javascript firefox firefox-addon xpcom
Detect failure to load contents of an iframe

I can detect when the content of an iframe has loaded using the load event. Unfortunately, for my purposes, there …

javascript html firefox-addon frames xulrunner
Output jasmine test results to the console

I am using Jasmine (BDD Testing Framework for JavaScript) in my firefox add-on to test the functionality of my code. …

javascript firefox-addon javascript-framework jasmine
On Text Highlight Event?

I'm curious if anyone knows how I would trigger a function to run if/once the user finishes selecting text …

javascript firefox-addon dom-events
Firebug is not working with Firefox version 50.0

I am using Firefox 50.0. After auto update of Firefox to version 50.0, Firebug has stopped working and attempting to use it …

firefox firefox-addon firebug firefox-developer-tools
How to view "generated HTML code" in Firefox?

If using Firebug, we can click on the HTML tab, and click to expand each element to see the generated …

firefox code-generation firebug firefox-addon web-developer-toolbar
What is the easiest way to develop Firefox extension?

I'm planning to develop a simple Firefox extension that will shorten URL of a currently active tab, display a popup …

javascript google-chrome firefox firefox-addon firefox-addon-sdk
How to enable YSlow in Firefox?

I have installed the latest versions of YSlow and Firebug into the latest version of Firefox on Windows 7 (and restarted …

firefox firefox-addon firebug yslow