Top "Final" questions

final is a common keyword specifying that the reference declared as final cannot be modified once it is initialized.

Why can final constants in Java be overridden?

Consider the following interface in Java: public interface I { public final String KEY = "a"; } And the following class: public class …

java interface overriding final
What's the point of a final virtual function?

Wikipedia has the following example on the C++11 final modifier: struct Base2 { virtual void f() final; }; struct Derived2 : Base2 { void …

c++ c++11 inheritance final virtual-functions
How to handle a static final field initializer that throws checked exception

I am facing a use case where I would like to declare a static finalfield with an initializer statement that …

java exception static final initializer
Why are `private val` and `private final val` different?

I used to think that private val and private final val are same, until I saw section 4.1 in Scala Reference: …

scala private final
final class in c++

class Temp { private: ~Temp() {} friend class Final; }; class Final : virtual public Temp { public: void fun() { cout<<"In base"; } }; …

c++ inheritance final virtual-inheritance
Does final imply override?

As I understand it, the override keyword states that a given declaration implements a base virtual method, and the compilation …

c++ overriding final virtual-functions
Using superclass "protected final" methods to keep common code for subclasses

As a (pedantic) beginner Java programmer I would like to know, is it a good practice to move a common …

java inheritance final protected
Java: Meaning of catch (final SomeException e)?

What does final do in the following Java expression? catch (final SomeExceptionType e)

java exception exception-handling final
Make private methods final?

Is it beneficial to make private methods final? Would that improve performance? I think "private final" doesn't make much sense, …

java final
Is there an equivalent to "sealed" or "final" in TypeScript?

I'm trying to implement a method in a super class that should be available for use, but not changeable, in …

inheritance typescript final typescript2.0 sealed