Top "Final" questions

final is a common keyword specifying that the reference declared as final cannot be modified once it is initialized.

Difference between final static and static final

I found a code where it declared code like private final static String API_RTN_SUCCESS = "0"; private final static String …

java static final
Why is the String class declared final in Java?

From when I learned that the class java.lang.String is declared as final in Java, I was wondering why …

java string final
Lambdas: local variables need final, instance variables don't

In a lambda, local variables need to be final, but instance variables don't. Why so?

java lambda java-8 final
The final local variable cannot be assigned

I have an array of seats, and the array has two strings(selected and empty). On mouse click, I want …

java swing final mouselistener
what is the sense of final ArrayList?

Which advantages/disadvantages we can get by making ArrayList (or other Collection) final? I still can add to ArrayList new …

java arraylist final
Should a "static final Logger" be declared in UPPER-CASE?

In Java, static final variables are constants and the convention is that they should be in upper-case. However, I have …

java static naming-conventions final logging
Java's final vs. C++'s const

The Java for C++ programmers tutorial says that (highlight is my own): The keyword final is roughly equivalent to const …

java c++ constants final
private String or public static String?

At my internship one of my colleagues gave me a hint. I want to know if this is good practice. …

java android private public final
`final` keyword equivalent for variables in Python?

I couldn't find documentation on an equivalent of Java's final in Python, is there such a thing? I'm creating a …

java python keyword final
Good reasons to prohibit inheritance in Java?

What are good reasons to prohibit inheritance in Java, for example by using final classes or classes using a single, …

java inheritance final