Top "Filelock" questions

File locks are locks held by an application, preventing interference from other processes.

FileStream with locked file

I am wondering if it's possible to get a readonly FileStream to a locked file? I now get an exception …

c# .net c#-4.0 filestream filelock
Close a file handle opened by .NET

I'm working on a script to rename files based on EXIF data. param([string]$path) #…

powershell filelock
Java: opening and reading from a file without locking it

I need to be able to mimic 'tail -f' with Java. I'm trying to read a log file as it's …

java filelock java-io
What is Apache Camel's File "camelLock"?

Whenever I start a Camel route from a file URI, I see that Camel obtains a "lock" on the file. …

java file-io apache-camel filelock
c# Image from file close connection

I display an image using c# in a pictureBox. Then I want to change the image's name. I can't because …

c# filelock
Unable to lock files on Linux using java.nio.channels.FileLock

I was creating an application in Java for which I want only one instance running. For this purpose I created …

java linux filelock
How can I simulate a "locked" file (one which has a write lock)

I am trying to debug a problem where users occasionally have locked files which they try to open. The code …

windows simulate filelock
Java file locking and Windows - the lock isn't "absolute"?

I'm trying to lock a file with Java in Windows environment with FileLock and I got an issue : after I …

java windows filelock
File locking in Linux using C program

I want to create one file from c program and i want use bit long time in my c binary. …
