Top "Filefilter" questions

Filter is a standard function for many programming languages that processes a data structure (usually a list) in some order to produce a new data structure containing exactly those elements of the original data structure for which a given predicate returns the boolean value true.

How to make FileFilter in Java?

How to make a filter for .txt files? I wrote something like this but it has an error: private void …

java filefilter
HTML <input type='file'> apply a filter

<input type='file' name='userFile'> now when i will click the browse button, the browse dialog will show …

html forms filefilter
Good way to check if file extension is of an image or not

I have this file types Filters: public const string Png = "PNG Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|" + "*.png"; public const string Jpg = "…

c# file-extension openfiledialog filefilter
FileFilter for JFileChooser

I want to restrict a JFileChooser to select only mp3 files. But, the following code allows all file types: FileFilter …

java swing jfilechooser filefilter
How to save file using JFileChooser?

I have a method in my application called "Save as" which Saves the image of my application on computer my …

java swing bufferedimage jfilechooser filefilter
GIT -- Exclude / Ignore Files from commit

I need to ignore files in git! I don't think ignore is the right word actually; I want the files …

git content-management-system gitignore filefilter
Filter file types with JFileChooser

I am using JFileChooser to select a file and I am trying to limit the display to show only jpg …

java swing jfilechooser filefilter
How to list only non hidden and non system file in jtree

File f=new File("C:/"); File fList[] = f.listFiles(); When i use this it list all system file as well …

java swing file-io jtree filefilter
Starting a JFileChooser at a specified directory and only showing files of a specific type

I have a program utilizing a JFileChooser. To be brief, the full program is a GUI which allows users to …

java image swing jfilechooser filefilter
Using a custom FileFilter with a JFileChooser

I need to filter files in a filechooser that only allows image files to be chosen. I cant seem to …

java image swing jfilechooser filefilter