Top "File-locking" questions

The concept of locking a file to serialize concurrent accesses to said file.

Is there a way to check if a file is in use?

I'm writing a program in C# that needs to repeatedly access 1 image file. Most of the time it works, but …

c# .net file file-io file-locking
Locking a file in Python

I need to lock a file for writing in Python. It will be accessed from multiple Python processes at once. …

python file-locking
How do I find out which process is locking a file using .NET?

I've seen several of answers about using Handle or Process Monitor, but I would like to be able to find …

c# file-locking
Open in Java(TM) Platform SE binary

I tried to delete a file that I have two of, one slightly changed, so I could delete the older …

java file file-io filehandle file-locking
Reading a file used by another process

I am monitoring a text file that is being written to by a server program. Every time the file is …

c# file-io file-locking
How can I delete a file that is in use by another process?

When I try to delete a file occurs the following exception: The process cannot access the file '' because it …

c# .net file file-io file-locking
How to prevent file locking when undeploying a Tomcat web app?

I am using the manager app in tomcat 7, and i am unable to undeploy an application completely. It says FAIL …

tomcat memory-leaks tomcat7 file-locking undeploy
Linux flock, how to "just" lock a file?

In Bash, I'm trying to make a function getLock to be used with different lock names. function getLock { getLock_FILE="${1}" …

linux file-locking flock filelock
Java FileLock for Reading and Writing

I have a process that will be called rather frequently from cron to read a file that has certain move …

java file-locking filelock
Force java to release all file locks/handles in Java

My Java application (which is quite a bit of code) does a lot of file operations. At one point in …

java file file-locking