Top "Favicon" questions

An icon associated with particular website.

Is there a Python library for generating .ico files?

I'm looking to create favicon.ico files programatically from Python, but PIL only has support for reading ico files.

python favicon
Which versions of IE support PNG favicons?

In this old StackOverflow post, it was said that only IE6 had issues with PNG favicons, but on channel9, it …

html image internet-explorer cross-browser favicon
Serving favicon.ico with Django. Why does settings.MEDIA_URL with django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to only work on dev environment?

I found this solution for serving favicon.ico with django. (r'^favicon\.ico$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {…

django favicon django-staticfiles
Mobile Favicons

So I'm doing some research regarding mobile site user experience and stumbled upon the fact of the whole favicon.ico …

icons favicon ico
Do I need to have a favicon on my site? How do I get rid of the errors I see in my apache log?

I keep seeing favicon warnings in my apache log. How do I get rid of those? Do I have to …

favicon development server - favicon.ico - 404 Not Found

When running a application with the development server, how do you get rid of the 404 error for the …

python favicon
How to load a favicon with Meteor

I'm trying to figure out how to add a favicon to my meteor app. Per the docs I should put …

javascript meteor favicon
If I serve /favicon.ico as image/, instead of image/x-icon, will it break on any browsers?

If I configure Apache to serve /favicon.ico as MIME type image/, instead of image/x-icon, will …

internet-explorer-6 mime-types favicon
How to prevent the browser from asking for the favicon?

Is there some directive I could use in my HTML to tell the browser not to ask for the favicon?

html browser favicon
Favicon in React will not Update

I cannot update the favicon in react boilerplate. I replaced the file in images/app/favicon.ico with my own …

html reactjs favicon react-boilerplate