Factory Method is a creational design pattern published by the Gang of Four.
This is about the Factory Pattern. I am a little confused. I saw implementations where the createInstance() method is static …
design-patterns factory factory-pattern factory-method static-factoryI have a problem that seems really strange to me. I have the following setup: An interface: package com.example; …
java spring easymock autowired factory-methodI want to return an Interface and inside a switch statement I would like to set it. Is this a …
c# design-patterns interface factory-methodI understand that a factory method is a class method that utilises the self keyword and instantiates an object of …
ruby factory-pattern factory-methodWhat is the purpose of use of a factory method in objective-c context? I am a bit confused about the …
objective-c factory-methodI've an interface implemented by classes that perform a file processing, say searching or whatever. public interface FileProcessorInterface { public void …
java factory-method static-initializerI have a Spring bean which is declared like this: <osgi:reference id="basicAuthSecurityHandler" interface="com.groupgti.handler.authentication.…
java spring dependency-injection inversion-of-control factory-methodAccording to the book: The essence of the Factory Pattern is to "Define an interface for creating an object, but …
design-patterns factory-methodI'm a moderately skilled programmer using JavaScript but I am no guru. I know you can do some pretty powerful …
javascript design-patterns singleton strategy-pattern factory-methodIntroduction The MacApp Macintosh application framework [App89] always declares the abstract operation that defines the factory method as Class* DoMakeClass(), …
design-patterns naming-conventions factory-method