Top "Facetime" questions

How to know if FaceTime is already in use

I start a FaceTime call from my app using: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[@"facetime://" stringByAppendingString:appleID]]] Is there a …

ios iphone url openurl facetime
Launching Facetime from your app?

I am seeing that you can launch FaceTime from your app via [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"facetime://tel-number"]]; I …

objective-c ios facetime
Can't find iOS FaceTime protocol documentation

As per the title. I searched all through the Apple website, and cannot find anything about it. I am not …

iphone facetime
Can the iPhone4 record from both front and rear-facing camera at the same time?

I am researching for an application at the moment. One of the interesting ideas that came up were to record …

iphone ios camera facetime
FaceTime volume issue in Mavericks

We have an audio application for Mac OSX which is music player with some audio effects . Ever since we upgraded …

macos cocoa core-audio osx-mavericks facetime
How to make facetime call from Swift?

I am developing an app in Swift for iPad that makes use of facetime. I know Apple introduced App projection (…

ios swift facetime
Is there any FaceTime API for iPhone developers?

I am developing an application having FaceTime feature. How do I know when both are connected/disconnected using FaceTime? I …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch facetime
Gstreamer on OSX

I'm trying to create a very simply Gstreamer pipeline where I have a source element that is my FaceTime camera …

osx-mountain-lion gstreamer facetime gst-launch
facetime:// url scheme

When trying to have my app open a facetime url (facetime://15555555555), it loads up a blank black screen. NSURL *facetimeURL = […

iphone facetime