Top "Facelets" questions

Facelets is an XML-based view technology for the JavaServer Faces framework.

Passing the backing bean as a parameter to a Facelet include

I have a Facelet that might be used in different applications. I don't to copy it, but reuse it. I …

jsf-2 parameters include facelets backing-beans
Retrieve the fragment (hash) from a URL and inject the values into the bean

I am looking for a way to inject values from the fragment (#) of a URL into bean(JSF), in the …

java javascript jsf facelets fragment-identifier
Troubles Iterating Over A HashMap with JSF, MyFaces & Facelets

I'm having some trouble looping over a HashMap to print out it's values to the screen. Could someone double check …

java jsf facelets myfaces
Should I use Facelets "jsfc" attribute?

Facelets uses the jsfc attribute to convert HTML elements to their associated JSF components. This is rather helpful for fast …

java jsf facelets
What are the differences between JSP and Facelets?

I just started reading the Java EE 6 Tutorial, and I'm a little confused! I knew about JavaServer Pages (JSP), and …

java jsp facelets
JSF facelets template packaging

As always, i'm a little confused. Here i've learned that it is easy and …

jsf-2 facelets packaging
Which XML namespace to use with JSF 2.2 and up

I have migrated my application from JSF 1.2 to 2.2. It used XML namespaces on domain like xmlns:f="…

jsf facelets jsf-2.2 xml-namespaces java-ee-7
PrimeFaces DataTable CellEdit get entity/object

I have a datatable which displays various entities based on a List<>. When I select a cell for …

jsf primefaces facelets
How to save an array in JSF with ui:repeat + h:inputText + managed bean?

In a postgres database I have a table with, among others, an int[] field. In my model I have a …

jsf facelets uirepeat
Problem using include in Facelets

I have problems including a facelet template. I wanted to split some content up, so that I can reuse it …

jsf include facelets