Facebook Ads API: (#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action

Vitalii Ponomar picture Vitalii Ponomar · Dec 22, 2014 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I have facebook app with status Live and available to all users. When I login through this app on my site I get access_token for my facebook user. And with this access_token I can read with Ads API next methods (for my own ad campaigns):

  • /me/adaccounts

  • /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/agroups

But when someone else login on my site (and confirms all permissions) and I get his/her access_token I can't perform second api call. I get this error (#10) You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action. But I can get account ids. So, first method works, second not. How to fix this?

P.S. Status of app in App details tab is Unapproved (lightblue circle).

P.P.S. After adding that user to app's developers all is ok with second method (adcampaigns).


phwd picture phwd · Dec 22, 2014

Your app is most likely in development Tier for Ads API Access


You need to apply for higher levels

Apply for Basic Level