How do I create a custom Facebook share dialog box passing parameters?

Victor Ferreira picture Victor Ferreira · Jul 4, 2013 · Viewed 28k times · Source

I've seen a few posts here and around the interwebs explaining how to create a custom Facebook share dialog box for my website.

But I have found a few differences from the average situation to mine:

1- I want a custom area in my page to open and close when people click on a button (the share button)

2- I want share the content in a lightbox, not the page's content. For example, we have a list of products, each product will open in a lightbox. I want to share information about this product that is now open in a lightbox

I saw someone talking about the Javascript SDK, but it the installation guide it tells me to set the APP_ID, but don't have any App create for my website. Do I have to create one to use this SDK?

I also found this pattern[title]=a title&p[summary]=a description &p[url]=[images][0]=

If I copy and paste this to the address bar it works. but the user is redirected to a new page. that is not nice.

and I tried this with the pattern said above, but couldnt make it work

<a href="#" 
            return false;">
          Share on Facebook

It doesn't accept the parameters I am trying to pass.

Do any of you know how to solve this problem? Will it be by changing the 'content' of metatags? What are your solutions?


Just answered with the solution I used


Updated with v2.2


Finglish picture Finglish · Aug 8, 2013

This is an old question, but here is what works for me:
        '[title]=a title&p[summary]=a description &p[url]=[images][0]=',

basically all I had to do was remove the /sharer/ from the facebook url. I am guessing it is a typo in the documentation.