FB.ui feed dialog requires redirect_uri, dialog does not close

Jeremy Schultz picture Jeremy Schultz · Jan 20, 2012 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

I am trying to open a feed dialog using the JS SDK's FB.ui method and have it close after the user shares. My problem is the feed dialog is requiring a redirect_uri even though the documentation says it doesn't have to be defined, and the popup window redirects there and will not close like the callback function says.

Here's my code, attached to the submit click event:

    FB.ui (
            method: 'feed',
            name: 'xxx!',
            link: 'link to FB tab',
            picture: 'jpg',
            caption: 'xxx',
            actions: {name:'xxx',link:'url'},
            ref: 'xxx',
            redirect_uri: 'link to FB tab'
        function(response) {

If I leave off the redirect_uri, the popup opens but it just says the FB app has an error and please try again.


Jeremy Schultz picture Jeremy Schultz · Jan 23, 2012

It appears this is a known change in Facebook's JavaScript SDK: http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/302946973066993

When using the Facebook JavaScript API, invoking FB.ui will fail unless a 'redirect_uri' property is supplied in the params object - this behavior is unexpected because:

1.) The documentation states that the 'redirect_uri' will be automatically appended by most SDKs [1] - previously the JavaScript SDK was providing one which closed the Lightbox iFrame. 2.) Adding a redirect_uri param results in the Facebook Lightbox iFrame redirecting which stops the user from being able to close it. 3.) The redirect_uri param was not required previously.

This is the behavior I'm used to and have been trying to duplicate. A FB dev reports that this is now "by design."