Top "Facebook-social-plugins" questions

dedicated to implementation of Facebook social plugins like fb:like in both XFBML and iframe.

Insert current URL into a link using JS and HTML

So, Ive read through similar things but I still can't find an answer that applies more closely to what I'm …

javascript html facebook-social-plugins
Facebook Like button: how it choose image to display

I've put "Like" button to my web site. In general it works fine, the only problem is when user add …

facebook facebook-like facebook-social-plugins
Laravel Socialite testing on localhost, SSL certificate issue?

To insert social login integration on my application, I'm adding Socialite library to my Laravel app. I have a facebook …

laravel facebook-social-plugins laravel-5
adding social share links to phonegap app

i have an app that is using jquery mobile and it outputs and image. now i have displayed the image …

android jquery cordova phonegap-plugins facebook-social-plugins
FB Login button not calling onlogin function

I have my fb login button created as so <fb:login-button perms="email" size="small" onlogin="check_login_session()"&…

javascript facebook facebook-javascript-sdk fbml facebook-social-plugins
Adding HTML and JavaScript to a page with the Avada Theme in Wordpress

I'm creating a page in Wordpress and need to add a custom Facebook share button. In order to do so, …

javascript wordpress facebook-php-sdk facebook-opengraph facebook-social-plugins
added facebook SDK now unable to resume activity force close

My activity is throwing this error on crash: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {com.beerportfolio.beerportfoliopro/com.example.…

android facebook facebook-social-plugins android-facebook
How do you get the total likes for a URL (Likes and Shares)?

The "Likes" plugin that I've dropped on my page displays both the number of times the button has been directly …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-like facebook-social-plugins
Facebook Application Secret for multiple websites

I am having 25 websites and I am using Facebook Register plugin it needs …

facebook facebook-c#-sdk facebook-social-plugins