Top "Facebook-social-plugins" questions

dedicated to implementation of Facebook social plugins like fb:like in both XFBML and iframe.

comments plugin moderation tool not working

I'm trying to set up the Facebook comments social plugin. The plugin will be set up so that each product …

facebook facebook-social-plugins
Facebook Like button - fetches "wrong" image

Possible Duplicate: How does Facebook Sharer select Images? I'm using the following code to add a Facebook like button to …

facebook facebook-social-plugins
Facebook Like Button refresh after AJAX-Load

I have to implement a Facebook-Likebutton where the url is taken from an ajax request... that means i set the "…

facebook facebook-social-plugins
Angularjs share to social networks

I'm using angularjs and wanted to add share buttons to my pages for different social networking sites. So far I've …

angularjs share social-networking social facebook-social-plugins
How do I get an APP ID for Facebook on my web site?

First of all, my simple purpose is to add a Facebook login button to my web site. So I go …

login web facebook-social-plugins facebook-login
Facebook Like Box plug-in not working on web page test

I have just copied & pasted code from Here's a test page: …

facebook plugins facebook-social-plugins
How to put multiple Facebook Like buttons with counter on same page

I have one page with multiple news items. Every item in the list must have own facebook Like button with …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-social-plugins
How to fix "requires valid redirect URI" at Facebook Share Dialog?

I am using the standard Feed Dialog of Facebook to share posts on my website. The problem with this one …

facebook facebook-graph-api redirect facebook-social-plugins facebook-sharer
Social media link in Django

I want to set a social link at the end of my post in the Django template. how to use …

python django django-templates facebook-social-plugins python-social-auth