The Facebook Share button lets people add a personalized message to links before sharing on their timeline, in groups, or to their friends via a Facebook Message
I follow this post to deploy facebook share botton in my app The first …
javascript angularjs single-page-application facebook-social-plugins facebook-sharerI'm just working on a quiz script. Thus I want to share the results of an quiz and not the …
facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-apps facebook-sharerI want to implement something like this. It should not be hard coded. If user haven't installed Dropbox there should …
android share facebook-sharerI'm working in a project with Django and I'm trying to share pages in facebook and twitter I have problems …
javascript facebook social-networking facebook-sharerI own a jQuery mobile website. There i using facebook share option with custom parameters to add title, description, image …
facebook facebook-sharerI have a popup window with a Facebook custom share link.<url …
facebook facebook-sharerI know that sharer has 2 params. There are url (u) and title (t):…
facebook share facebook-sharerI need to pass some AngularJS variables from my application to the new Facebook sharer button, I'm using: <div …
javascript facebook angularjs facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-sharerI added this code to the head but when I try to post something about a website inside a Facebook …
meta-tags facebook-sharerI have a page with a Facebook Share button. The URL I want to share has a query string on …
javascript jquery facebook facebook-sharer