Add custom name, caption, image, description to new facebook share dialog or custom stories not taking them from og meta

Manuel picture Manuel · May 28, 2014 · Viewed 24.5k times · Source

I'm just working on a quiz script. Thus I want to share the results of an quiz and not the og meta data.

I know it is possible to use the old FB.ui feed action do add a custom name, caption, description and message than sharing an url. E.g.:

    method: 'feed',
    href: url,
    name: name,
    caption: title,
    description: des,
    message: message,
    picture: img,
}, function(response){});

However I think this gonna be deprecated soon?!

Is this possible with the new share api too? Or can I do this with custom stories? How? I'm looking for something like

    method: 'share',
    href: url,
    name: name,
    caption: title,
    description: des,
    message: message,
    picture: img,
}, function(response){});

But this isn't working :/ it only takes the href. Everything else is ignored and not prefilled :(

Is there any best practise or a facebook recommended way to do this?

API docs:

Thx. I really appreciate your help


DamirR picture DamirR · Aug 21, 2017

Update on 2019. This method is not working any more. New solution has not been find yet. :(

Update on 27.06.2018. Old version of the code stopped working properly. The shared image was displayed as small image on the left, instead of as large full column image. The fix is to replace action_type: 'og.shares' with action_type: 'og.likes'.

Use this code:

    method: 'share_open_graph',
    action_type: 'og.likes',
    action_properties: JSON.stringify({
        object: {
            'og:url': url,
            'og:title': title,
            'og:description': des,
            'og:image': img
function (response) {
// Action after response

This works with API version 2.9+. Please note that using og.shares action_type, is not advised any more since it is not mentioned in the FB documentation and it doesn't properly display the large image. I now use og.likes. The small downside is the sentence like "John Doe likes the object on drib" near the top of share dialog and shared content on user wall.

For full working example checkout Dynamically change Facebook open graph meta data with JavaScript.