Top "Facebook-pixel" questions

Facebook Pixel is the name given to the Facebook tracking pixel.

How can I remove Facebook Pixel from Facebook - 2019?

I have 3 facebook pixels on my facebook: one of them is on my personal account and the other 2 live on …

facebook facebook-pixel
How to fix Duplicate Facebook pixel ID error?

Added facebook pixel like they showed here here Now getting an error: fbevents.js:9 Facebook Pixel Error: Duplicate Pixel ID: …

javascript facebook-ads-api facebook-pixel
How to fix: FB-Pixel detected event code but the pixel has not activated

We have a Woocommerce Page with a Facebook Pixel integration, on the category pages the pixel fires the following code: …

wordpress facebook woocommerce facebook-pixel
Facebook Pixel + Google Tag Manager + fbq events

I'm using Google Tag Manager to deliver Facebook Pixel. Then, I fire events using code like this <body> ... &…

javascript google-tag-manager facebook-pixel
Wait for Facebook Pixel Load

I want to detect in my JavaScript code that the load of a Facebook pixel has been completed. Is this …

javascript facebook-pixel in JSON LD format recognized by Google, but Facebook pixel helper does not detect it

I have added tags in JSON LD format using <script>, when I test my page using … microdata json-ld facebook-pixel