Top "Facebook-graph-api" questions

Facebook Graph API is a structured API for fetching objects and the connections between them from Facebook's social graph

Facebook iOS SDK and swift: how get user's profile picture

i have integrated Facebook sdk in Xcode 6 (with swift). During the login i request the public_profile permission: FBSession.openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions(["…

ios swift facebook-graph-api facebook-ios-sdk
CURL Get Request with a parameter that contains a GET url

I'm trying to make a cURL GET to scrape a Facebook Graph object: GET**OBJECT_…

php facebook-graph-api curl facebook-php-sdk
Facebook publish_action permission not working for posting

Currently i can post news feed updates using objectids of some of my web pages to facebook users who have …

facebook facebook-graph-api permissions facebook-opengraph
Long-lasting FB access-token for server to pull FB page info

I'm aware that there are many questions about Facebook access-tokens and the grief they cause, but despite much experimentation and …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token
Is there an API to force Facebook to scrape a page again?

I'm aware you can force update a page's cache by entering the URL on Facebook's debugger tool while been logged …

facebook-graph-api caching facebook-like facebook-opengraph facebook-sharer
Facebook killed Public RSS feeds; how to obtain a Facebook Page RSS with the new Timeline?

I'm attempting to pull out a page feed to RSS from Facebook, however each time I attempt to try it, …

php ruby facebook facebook-graph-api rss
Facebook app is Public, but gives error "App not setup" when logging in

I have an Android app using Facebook to login. The app is already public: When trying to login via Facebook, …

android facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-permissions
Facebook Graph API GET request - Should contain "fields" parameter (Swift, Facebook SDK v4.5.1)

My iOS app uses Facebook's Graph API Request during sign up to get user information, which worked fine prior to …

ios xcode facebook swift facebook-graph-api
Facebook Page Access Tokens - Do these expire?

I'm building an app that allows users to administrate their Facebook Fan Pages. This requires the following two Access Tokens: …

facebook facebook-graph-api access-token facebook-page
Error: Class 'Facebook\FacebookSession' not found with the facebook PHP SDK

I am having a hard time with facebook's SDK documentation. I downloaded the SDK from Github and added it into …

php facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk