i have integrated Facebook sdk in Xcode 6 (with swift). During the login i request the public_profile permission:
FBSession.openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions(["public_profile"], allowLoginUI: true, completionHandler: {
So i request the user's information:
FBRequestConnection.startForMeWithCompletionHandler { (connection, user, error) -> Void in
Why the user object doesn't contain the profile picture? How can i get the user profile picture? It's not part of the public_profile?
I get the following information:
2015-01-25 01:25:18.858 Test[767:23804] {
"first_name" = xxx;
gender = xxx;
id = xxxxxxxxx;
"last_name" = xxxxxx;
link = "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/xxxxxxxxx/";
locale = "xxxxx";
name = "xxxxxxx xxxxxxx";
timezone = 1;
"updated_time" = "2013-12-21T18:45:29+0000";
verified = 1;
P.S: xxx for privacy
The profile picture is in fact public and you can simply by adding the user id to Facebook's designated profile picture url address, ex:
var userID = user["id"] as NSString
var facebookProfileUrl = "http://graph.facebook.com/\(userID)/picture?type=large"
This particular url address should return the "large" version of the user's profile picture, but several more photo options are available in the docs.