Top "Facebook-authentication" questions

Facebook authentication is popular sign in method for many websites using Facebook credentials.

Firebase Android Authentication failed: expired_token (Auth token is expired)

I encounter an issue with Android Firebase Auth using and 1 hour after …

android firebase-authentication google-authentication facebook-authentication
Android : How to get larger profile pic from Facebook using FirebaseAuth?

I am using FirebaseAuth to login user through FB. Here is the code: private FirebaseAuth mAuth; private FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener mAuthListener; …

android firebase firebase-authentication facebook-authentication
PHP SDK 3.1.1 getUser() sometimes return 0

This is driving me crazy >=( $facebook->getUser() works well sometimes, but sometimes returns 0 Here is my code: require …

php facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk facebook-iframe facebook-authentication
How can I login with multiple social services with Firebase?

I want users to be able to authenticate to my Firebase application using multiple different auth providers, such as Facebook, …

authentication facebook-authentication firebase firebase-security
Combining Facebook and Google auth for Firebase Android

Background Hello, I'm new with Firebase for Android and I'm trying to implement the Facebook and Google auth/login for …

android firebase firebase-authentication facebook-authentication google-authentication
Facebook App Type: Which one to pick for mobile AND web?

In the Facebook App Settings ☞ Advanced ☞ Authentication I can pick "Web" or "Native/Desktop" as App Type. The info bubble …

ios facebook facebook-apps facebook-authentication facebook-access-token
Session.StatusCallback cannot be resolved to a type - Facebook API

I followed the login authentication tutorial on Facebook and have copied the following code into my android application private Session.…

android eclipse facebook facebook-android-sdk facebook-authentication
Ionic Facebook Api invalid key hash

I can't get my app to allow Facebook login. Everytime the users tries to login to Facebook and authenticate my …

android facebook ionic facebook-authentication
python-social-auth AuthCanceled exception

I'm using python-social-auth in my Django application for authentication via Facebook. But when a user tries to login, they have …

python django facebook facebook-authentication python-social-auth