Firebase Android Authentication failed: expired_token (Auth token is expired)

kandroid picture kandroid · May 29, 2016 · Viewed 13.6k times · Source

I encounter an issue with Android Firebase Auth using and

1 hour after authentication with Firebase (Google or Facebook), I get the following error:

W/PersistentConnection: pc_0 - Authentication failed: expired_token (Auth token is expired)

Why does Firebase token expire after 1 hour and how to extend this expiration period?


I still encounter this issue, Firebase token expires after 1 hour. Now I get the following message: W/PersistentConnection: pc_0 - Authentication failed: invalid_token (Invalid claim 'kid' in auth header.)

I appreciate any help.


Karthi R picture Karthi R · Jul 13, 2016

If we use default Auth providers like (Google, Facebook, Email..), updating "SHA-1 key" of your Application in firebase console would fix the token expiry issue.

In this discussion a Google developer shared a guide to solve this problem.
