Top "Facebook-access-token" questions

The OAuth access token specific to the Facebook API.

Long Lived access token Facebook Page

I have a facebook page and i want the feeds of page. I am using graph api to get the …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token
Getting Facebook Access Token from User Id and Facebook App Secret?

I'm trying to understand how the facebook api works. The end goal is to be able to read the posts …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-apps facebook-access-token
Access token removed in Facebook Android SDK 4.0

I am using Facebook Android SDK 4.0 (newly updated version). I logged in to my app after the initial setup. Then …

android facebook facebook-android-sdk facebook-access-token
How to extract Facebook Access token Expiration Info

is there ay way to get the Expiration date of the access token, I need this so I can refresh …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk facebook-access-token
Login with Facebook using Facebook SDK for PHP

I have problems with making login to my site with Facebook. I have created login using Facebook SDK by following …

php facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk facebook-login facebook-access-token
Should I pass access token when using FB.api()?

I'm just a little confused as to how to pass my access token into FB.api() when making requests for …

facebook facebook-access-token
How do I get a page Access Token that does not expire?

I would like to know if it is possible to have an access token that never expires for post to …

facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token
FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken nil after quitting app

I am developing an ios app using the Facebook SDK to login. I have set a LogInViewController as the initial …

ios swift facebook-login facebook-access-token fbsdk