Top "Facebook-access-token" questions

The OAuth access token specific to the Facebook API.

How do I get the App Access Token via the Facebook PHP SDK?

I'm trying to retrieve the app access token of my app in order to post notifications, but for some reason, …

php facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk facebook-access-token
Getting invalid oauth access token: where is the token I need?

I would like help obtaining/locating the correct access_token value for an API call. I'm configuring an application that …

oauth facebook-fql facebook-access-token
Need Help on OAuthException Code 2500

I am trying to develop an Facebook application ( using PHP where I need to present …

php facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-apps facebook-access-token
Get wall feed from a public Facebook page using Graph API - is it really this complex?

I have started off by reading Displaying Facebook posts to non-Facebook users which is of some use but I cannot …

php facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token
How should a Facebook user access token be consumed on the server-side?

Preface I'm developing several web services and a handful of clients (web app, mobile, etc.) which will interface with said …

facebook security authentication facebook-access-token facebook-authentication
facebook access token expired

Based on facebook instructions (Scenario 4) i am using the following URL…

facebook access-token facebook-access-token
How to get a facebook access token using appid and app secret without any login credentials?

I need to get FaceBook access token using appid and app secret in C# windows application. Actually i did below …

facebook facebook-graph-api c#-4.0 facebook-access-token windows-applications
Get Access Token Without Login | Facebook`

I am creating a web app and I need to make a call like this one:…

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk facebook-access-token
Unable to get a long term access token using facebook graph api

I'm new to integrating facebook into the websites I'm working on and trying to get a long term access token …

facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token
Extending expiry date of facebook access token in graph api beyond 2 months

I am working on facebook page wallpost automation using python I have automated posting on a fb page that i …

facebook-graph-api facebook-access-token