Undo-Redo feature in Fabric.js

John picture John · Sep 27, 2013 · Viewed 25.3k times · Source

Is there any built-in support for for undo/redo in Fabric.js? Can you please guide me on how you used this cancel and repeat in [http://printio.ru/][1]


Tom picture Tom · Sep 29, 2013

In http://jsfiddle.net/SpgGV/9/, move the object and change its size. If the object state is changed, and then we do undo/redo, its previous state will be deleted when the next change comes. It makes it easier to do undo/redo. All events of canvas should be called before any element is added to canvas. I didn't add an object:remove event here. You can add it yourself. If one element is removed, the state and list should be invalid if this element is in this array. The simpler way is to set state and list = [] and index = 0.

This will clear the state of your undo/redo queue. If you want to keep all states, such as add/remove, my suggestion is to add more properties to the element of your state array. For instance, state = [{"data":object.originalState, "event": "added"}, ....]. The "event" could be "modified" or "added" and set in a corresponding event handler.

If you have added one object, then set state[index].event="added" so that next time, when you use undo, you check it. If it's "added", then remove it anyway. Or when you use redo, if the target one is "added", then you added it. I've recently been quite busy. I will add codes to jsfiddle.net later.

Update: added setCoords() ;

var current;
var list = [];
var state = [];
var index = 0;
var index2 = 0;
var action = false;
var refresh = true;

canvas.on("object:added", function (e) {
    var object = e.target;

    if (action === true) {
        state = [state[index2]];
        list = [list[index2]];

        action = false;
        index = 1;

    state[index] = JSON.stringify(object.originalState);
    list[index] = object;
    index2 = index - 1;

    refresh = true;

canvas.on("object:modified", function (e) {
    var object = e.target;

    if (action === true) {
        state = [state[index2]];
        list = [list[index2]];

        action = false;
        index = 1;


    state[index] = JSON.stringify(object.originalState);
    list[index] = object;
    index2 = index - 1;

    refresh = true;

function undo() {

    if (index <= 0) {
        index = 0;

    if (refresh === true) {
        refresh = false;


    index2 = index - 1;
    current = list[index2];

    action = true;

function redo() {

    action = true;
    if (index >= state.length - 1) {


    index2 = index + 1;
    current = list[index2];


Update: better solution to take edit history algorithm into account. Here we can use Editing.getInst().set(item) where the item could be {action, object, state}; For example, {"add", object, "{JSON....}"}.

 * Editing : we will save element states into an queue, and the length of queue 
 * is fixed amount, for example, 0..99, each element will be insert into the top 
 * of queue, queue.push, and when the queue is full, we will shift the queue, 
 * to remove the oldest element from the queue, queue.shift, and then we will 
 * do push. 
 * So the latest state will be at the top of queue, and the oldest one will be 
 * at the bottom of the queue (0), and the top of queue is changed, could be 
 * 1..99.
 * The initialized action is "set", it will insert item into the top of queue,
 * even if it arrived the length of queue, it will queue.shift, but still do
 * the same thing, and queue only abandon the oldest element this time. When
 * the current is changed and new state is coming, then this time, top will be
 * current + 1.
 * The prev action is to fetch "previous state" of the element, and it will use
 * "current" to do this job, first, we will --current, and then we will return
 * the item of it, because "current" always represent the "current state" of
 * element. When the current is equal 0, that means, we have fetched the last
 * element of the queue, and then it arrived at the bottom of the queue.
 * The next action is to fetch "next state" after current element, and it will
 * use "current++" to do the job, when the current is equal to "top", it means
 * we have fetched the latest element, so we should stop.
 * If the action changed from prev/next to "set", then we should reset top to
 * "current", and abandon all rest after that...
 * Here we should know that, if we keep the reference in the queue, the item
 * in the queue will never be released.
 * @constructor
function Editing() {

    this.queue = [];
    this.length = 4;
    this.bottom = 0;
    this.top = 0;
    this.current = 0;
    this.empty = true;

    // At the Begin of Queue
    this.BOQ = true;

    // At the End of Queue
    this.EOQ = true;

    // 0: set, 1: prev, 2: next
    this._action = 0;
    this._round = 0;

Editing.sharedInst = null;
Editing.getInst = function (owner) {

    if (Editing.sharedInst === null) {
        Editing.sharedInst = new Editing(owner);

    return Editing.sharedInst;

 * To set the item into the editing queue, and mark the EOQ, BOQ, so we know
 * the current position.
 * @param item
Editing.prototype.set = function (item) {

    console.log("=== Editing.set");

    var result = null;

    if (this._action != 0) {
        this.top = this.current + 1;

    if (this.top >= this.length) {
        result = this.queue.shift();
        this.top = this.length - 1;

    this._action = 0;
    this.queue[this.top] = item;
    this.current = this.top;

    this.empty = false;
    this.EOQ = true;
    this.BOQ = false;

    console.log("==> INFO : ");
    console.log("current: ", 0 + this.current);
    console.log("start: ", 0 + this.bottom);
    console.log("end: ", 0 + this.top);

    return result;


 * To fetch the previous item just before current one
 * @returns {item|boolean}
Editing.prototype.prev = function () {

    console.log("=== Editing.prev");

    if (this.empty) {
        return false;

    if (this.BOQ) {
        return false;

    this._action = 1;


    if (this.current == this.bottom) {
        this.BOQ = true;

    var item = this.queue[this.current];
    this.EOQ = false;

    console.log("==> INFO : ");
    console.log("current: ", 0 + this.current);
    console.log("start: ", 0 + this.bottom);
    console.log("end: ", 0 + this.top);

    return item;

 * To fetch the next item just after the current one
 * @returns {*|boolean}
Editing.prototype.next = function () {

    console.log("=== Editing.next");

    if (this.empty) {
        return false;

    if (this.EOQ) {
        return false;


    if (this.current == this.top - 1 && this.top < this.length) {
        this.EOQ = true;

    if (this.current == this.top - 1 && this.top == this.length) {
        this.EOQ = true;

    this._action = 2;

    var item = this.queue[this.current];
    this.BOQ = false;

    console.log("==> INFO : ");
    console.log("current: ", 0 + this.current);
    console.log("start: ", 0 + this.bottom);
    console.log("end: ", 0 + this.top);

    return item;

 * To empty the editing and reset all state
Editing.prototype.clear = function () {

    this.queue = [];
    this.bottom = 0;
    this.top = 0;
    this.current = 0;
    this.empty = true;
    this.BOQ = true;
    this.EOQ = false;