Top "Extjs4" questions

Please use this tag in relation to ExtJS 4.0 - 4.2; Ext JS 4 is the fourth major version of the JavaScript library for building Rich Internet Applications (RIA), and now includes an MVC architecture without the need to use plugins.

How to adjust ExtJS textfield width according to its container

I use ExtJS version 4.2.1, and I have a table layout. Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', { width: 1300, height: 700, title: 'Table Layout', …

extjs extjs4 extjs4.2
ExtJS4 - how to get parent grid on selectionchange?

I have little experience with ExtJS3 and now starting with version 4. In my controller, I have this: init: function () { this.…

extjs extjs4 extjs-mvc
Best way to access adjacent components / fields

I am looking for a way to access components / field that are either in the same items array as the …

extjs extjs4 extjs4.1
How to create a ExtJS 4 mouseenter / mouseleave state for (grid.feature.Grouping)?

I want to create a mouseenter / mouseleave state for hovering over group headers. There doesn't seem to be any hover …

extjs4 gridpanel
ExtJs 4 : Tree grid panel filter

I am using ExtJs 4 with a Tree panel on west region and TreeGrid panel on center region. Is there any …

extjs4 treegrid treepanel