Ext.data.Store's each() is ignoring filtered records

SharpCoder picture SharpCoder · Oct 17, 2013 · Viewed 19.9k times · Source

I am using Ext.data.Store's each(). But this method, when store is filtered, only loops over the filtered records. Do we have any other method or work around to loop over all the records of a store even when a filter is applied on the store.

  var attStore = Ext.getStore("myStore");
        var allRecords = attStore.snapshot || attStore.data;
        allRecords.each(function (record) {
            if (record.data.IsUpdated) {
                record.set('updatedByUser', true);
            else {
                record.set('updatedByUser', false);

The line var allRecords = attStore.snapshot || attStore.data;actually returns all the records as intended but when I try to update that record (or one of the property in that record using record.data.property = something) That record is not getting updated.



kuldarim picture kuldarim · Oct 17, 2013

use this

var allRecords = store.snapshot || store.data;

and loop like this

allRecords.each(function(record) {

see this store snapshot