Top "Extjs" questions

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework for building rich Internet applications (RIAs).

How to call functions within a XTemplate (itemTpl)

I would like to use Ext's String method on some text that will be output to the view. For example: …

javascript extjs extjs4 sencha-touch sencha-touch-2
How to put X inside textfield to clear text in extjs

I want to implement an X button inside a textfield (x on right side of textfield) to clear entered texts. …

button extjs textfield extjs4.1
initComponent vs constructor when defining an object

When should I be using initComponent compared to constructor ? I have been using initComponent to extend my objects, but looking …

extjs4 extjs
Overriding Extjs classes and invoking callParent

I have a few months of experience developing Extjs web application. I ran into this problem: When I override a …

extjs extjs4 overriding
Align buttons to the left and right in Sencha Touch toolbar

How to align buttons in Sencha Touch toolbars at both sides left and right (one button to each side)? In …

extjs sencha-touch sencha-touch-2
How to filter multiple extjs grid columns?

To filter one grid column we can use: { xtype: 'button', text:'Search', handler:function(){ store.clearFilter(); var searchValue = Ext.getCmp("…

extjs filter grid extjs4 store
ExtJs Neptune theme

I'm trying to change default theme in ExtJs 4.2 to Neptune custom theme. How to make it for debugging? <html&…

extjs themes extjs4.2
Extjs: extend class via constructor or initComponent?

In extjs you can always extend an extjs class via the constructor(). For classes derinving from Component you can also …

javascript inheritance extjs prototypal-inheritance
ExtJS dates and timezones

I have a problem with the Ext Date class seemingly returning the wrong timezone for a parsed date. Using the …

javascript date extjs timezone extjs3
Is ExtJS open source?

Can we use extJS in a business application for free ?

open-source licensing extjs gpl