Top "Exslt" questions

EXSLT is an extension library for XSLT, mainly for XSLT 1.0. It includes functionality to provide missing language features such as set operations, node-set coercion, date methods, math functions, and type checking.

Find the position of an element within its parent with XSLT / XPath

Apart from rewriting a lot of XSLT code (which I'm not going to do), is there a way to find …

xslt xpath position exslt
What is the difference between exclude-result-prefixes and extension-element-prefix in XSLT namespace declaration?

What's the difference between exclude-result-prefixes and extension-element-prefix? Both are used in the header of XSLTs. I've found extension-element-prefix while using …

xslt namespaces exslt
PHP MongoDB $exist not working

$collection->update(array("_id"=>new MongoId($uid), "phonenumber"=> $exist => array(FALSE),$set("phone"=>"1223444")); I would …

php mongodb exslt
XSLT: Set multiple variables depending on condition

I want to assign multiple variables depending on one condition environment. I know how to do that for only one …

xslt xslt-1.0 exslt
Using exslt:node-set() on converted parsed XML

Using something similar to the answer found in this question I put together a function based off to create an …

xml xslt exslt