Top "Export-to-excel" questions

Use to tag questions about techniques to write an MS-Excel file (sheet, workbook, .xls, .xlsx) from various data sources (an SQL Query, a DataGrid, a DataGridView, a text file, etc).

JavaScript - export HTML table data into Excel

I'm trying to convert HTML tables to Excel, i have tried with a JavaScript function which converts a simple table …

javascript html excel export-to-excel
Export JSON to CSV or Excel with UTF-8 (e.g. Greek) encoding using JavaScript

I am trying to export and download a JSON object to CSV file and I have problem with Greek characters. …

javascript csv character-encoding export-to-excel export-to-csv
How to generate an Excel file with Rails?

I was searching Ruby toolbox for a popular, well-supported tool to generate XSLX (Excel 2007 and on) document, but I didn't …

ruby ruby-on-rails-3 spreadsheet export-to-excel
Set text align to center in an Excel document using OpenXML with C#

I have a document that my page is creating and I need to align the text of certain …

c# excel openxml export-to-excel
Writing to excel using OleDb

I am attempting to export rows of data from sql to excel but my Insert Command seems to fail every …

c# oledb export-to-excel oledbdataadapter
save excel file using FileSaver.js

I am trying to export data to excel in angular js 1) User clicks a button 2) Data in $scope.myArray gets …

jquery angularjs export-to-excel filesaver.js
Rails - Export records to downloadable excel file using axlsx gem (Keep MVC)

I have installed the axlsx gem successfully from Here is my controller code that I …

ruby-on-rails ruby export-to-excel
Which gem support Import/Export to xlsx file in ruby

I need to read and write to Excelx file with ruby code, Tried with spreadsheet it does not support xlsx …

ruby excel export-to-excel xlsx
Export HTML table to Excel JavaScript function add select file name

I have the following function that exports an HTML to excel: function generateexcel(tableid) { var table= document.getElementById(tableid); var …

javascript excel export export-to-excel
Datatables / TableTools: format data as text when exporting to Excel

I am using the Datatables TableTools plugin in order to provide an Export to Excel option for a table on …

javascript excel datatables export-to-excel tabletools