Top "Export-to-excel" questions

Use to tag questions about techniques to write an MS-Excel file (sheet, workbook, .xls, .xlsx) from various data sources (an SQL Query, a DataGrid, a DataGridView, a text file, etc).

Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Timesheet\App_Data\Template.xlsx'

I have my code as follows :- Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oXL = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Sheets sheets; …

c# excel export-to-excel excel-interop
Excel Range.BorderAround(), Border is always black

This is the code I am using: rngData.BorderAround(Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin, Microsoft.Office.…

c# export-to-excel
How can i write data into an excel using PHP

Is it possible to append content to an .xls file using PHP fwrite()? When i try this using fwrite(), the …

php export-to-excel
the file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension in Asp.Net

the file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension c# error …

excel c#-4.0 export-to-excel
Export data from dataset to excel

I am trying to export data from dataset to excel and save it directly to a given path without giving …

c# excel export-to-excel
How to write Python Array into Excel Spread sheet

I am trying to write following array into Excel spreadsheet using Python: array = [ [a1,a2,a3], [a4,a5,a6], [a7,…

python arrays export-to-excel
Generating an Excel file in ASP.NET

I am about to add a section to an ASP.NET app (VB.NET codebehind) that will allow a user … export-to-excel
How to export complete Google Analytics historical data?

I was given a few days to export all the historical data from a Google Analytics account before access will …

google-analytics export-to-excel export-to-csv
How to enable jQgrid to Export data into PDF/Excel

I am new in jQuery/jQgrid coding. I am using jQgrid version is 4.4.4 & jQuery 1.8.3. I want to enable export …

jquery jqgrid export-to-excel export-to-pdf
How to export a PostgreSQL query output to a csv file

I'm having problem exporting my PostgreSQL output from a shell to a csv file. My SQL script is called script.…

postgresql shell csv export-to-excel export-to-csv